601BISANG, 2009내용이 형식을 만들고 형식이 내용을 가꾸는 균형과 조화의 세계. 자연과 인간, 물질과 정신이 함께하는 키아즘의 관계를 생각해보는 7번 째 ‘601아트북 프로젝트’ 도록이다. 26명의 수상작가를 상징하는 26개의 선들은 표지의 앞 뒤에 ‘B’와 ‘H’의 형상을 만들고 있으며 전시 콘셉트인 ‘Balance & Harmony’를 상징한다. 수상 작품들은 각각의 작품 콘셉트에 맞게 개별성을 부여하는 방식으로 디자인하였고, 뒤쪽의 수상작가 및 작품을 형상화한 일러스트레이션 페이지는 작가들의 정체성을 드러내고 감성을 더하는 중요한 장치다. 표지로부터 이어지는 26개의 상징적인 선들은 포스터와 전시장, 그리고 모든 행사 프로모션에 입체적으로 적용되었다.
In the world of balance and harmony, contents make forms and forms improve contents. This pictorial record for the 7th annual 601 Art Book Project gets the viewers to think about the concept of chiasm, an organic process whereby a fusion and exchange of materials take place between nature, humans, raw materials and human spirit. The 26 lines which symbolize the 26 award-winning artists were combined to form the letters “B” and “H” on the front and back covers of the pictorial record. These letters represent the exhibition concepts of balance and harmony. Every page of these award-winning art books was designed so that they had an individual character related to the overall theme of the book. Each page with an illustration that shows an award-winning artist’s work as an image is an important tool to reveal that particular artist’s identity. It also adds an emotional element to the pictorial record. Twenty-six symbolic lines, which run from the cover to the inside of the pictorial record, were applied to the exhibition poster. They were also applied three-dimensionally to the exhibition hall and to all of the promotional activities for the event.
‘601아트북프로젝트2009’ 전시 포스터는 1차로 배포되었던 작품 모집을 위한 포스터 위에 덧입혀 제작되었으며 전시 콘셉트인 ‘Balance’와 ‘Harmony’를 상징화하였다.
아트북을 통해 균형과 조화의 미학을 탐색해보자는 의미로 26명의 수상작가를 상징하는 26개의 선들이 모여 각각 ‘B’와 ‘H’의 형상을 만들고 있으며, 이 기하학적인 선들의 조형은 전시장과 모든 행사 프로모션에 입체적으로 적용되었다.
내용이 형식을 만들고 형식이 내용을 가꾸는 균형과 조화의 세계. 자연과 인간, 물질과 정신이 함께하는 키아즘의 관계를 생각해보는 아트북프로젝트 포스터이다.
The 7th annual 601 Artbook Project was held from October 27 to November 8, 2009. The exhibition poster was produced by overlaying images of the second poster (which announced the exhibition displaying the winning artists' works) upon the first poster (which had announced the competition in the first place). This newly-designed poster symbolizes the exhibition concepts of balance and harmony. In trying to explore the aesthetics of balance and harmony through art books, 26 lines (symbolizing 26 award-winning artists) were combined to form the letters "B" and "H," and these letters consisted of geometric lines which were three-dimensionally applied to the exhibition hall and all promotional activities for the event. In the world of balance and harmony, contents make forms and forms improve contents. This poster for the art book project gets viewers thinking about the concept of "chiasme (chiasm)," an organic process whereby a fusion and exchange of materials takes place between nature, humans, raw materials and human spirit.